Friday 7 March 2014

Life has never been easy unless you work hard for it

Friday 7 February 2014

Friday 24 January 2014

Net Neutrality or Internet Freedom....

Do we really want access to all contents freely? Is it fair? Shouldn't there be any monitoring? Are premium prices bad when you pay what you want.....? Let's discuss

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Extra information on Cloude Computing.. AWS as the main provider...

Thursday 16 January 2014

Cloud computing.. will software becomes obsolete 


  • the ability of connecting a large number of computers through a real-time communications such as the internet.
  • allow programmes and applications from many connected computers to be run at the same time

                                         The service by AWS: through CloudFormation Service

  • start-up companies would find this service as cheap since the service is customised to the needs of the customers
  • companies/customers using the service also able to choose which data centre to use which helps them to be more efficient when dealing with customers
  • IT Infrastructures and maintenance are both managed by the provider- AWS
  • user may chose the amount to use, add it up later or reduce it after or expand through own private cloud anytime